Post-Polio Medical Article List
References from 1991-1995
TI - The 45th annual John Stanley Coulter Lecture. Post-polio sequelae
and the paradigms of the 50s: Newtie, Ozzie, and Harriet versus
of caring and a future for rehabilitation in America.
AU - Bruno RL
AD - Post-Polio Rehabilitation and Research Service, Kessler Institute
for Rehabilitation, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663, USA.
SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1995 Dec;76(12):1093-6
UI - 96129987
TI - Postpoliomyelitis syndrome problems of knee function: a review.
AU - Grant AD, Atar D, Lehman WB
AD - Children's Orthopedic & Arthritis Institute, Hospital for
Diseases, New York, NY 10003, USA.
SO - Bull Hosp Jt Dis 1993-95;53(4):27-9
UI - 96109512
TI - [Late complications of poliomyelitis]
AU - Pal'chik AB, Katsuk LI, Igoshina MA, Martynova NV, Nikulina VI
SO - Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova 1995;95(2):32-6
UI - 96098998
TI - Electromyographic and neuromuscular variables in post-polio
AU - Rodriquez AA, Agre JC, Harmon RL, Franke TM, Swiggum ER, Curt JT
AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of
Medical School 53792, USA.
SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1995 Nov;76(11):989-93
UI - 96043529
TI - An open trial of pyridostigmine in post-poliomyelitis syndrome.
AU - Trojan DA, Cashman NR
AD - Department of Neurology, Montreal Neurological Institute and
McGill University, Quebec, Canada.
SO - Can J Neurol Sci 1995 Aug;22(3):223-7
UI - 96039195
TI - The challenge of the continuing effects of poliomyelitis in New
AU - Botting CH, Chetwynd J
AD - Christchurch School of Medicine.
SO - N Z Med J 1995 Sep 22;108(1008):386-8
UI - 96033851
TI - To test or refer: what are the benefits? [letter]
AU - Standley JM
SO - Can Fam Physician 1995 Aug;41:1289, 1291, 1293
UI - 96026695
TI - Review of Elmslie's triple arthrodesis for post-polio pes
AU - Faraj AA
AD - Orthopedic Department, Medical City, Baghdad Medical College, Iraq.
SO - J Foot Ankle Surg 1995 May-Jun;34(3):319-21
UI - 96023660
- TI - Spinal cord histopathology in long-term survivors of
- AU - Kaminski HJ, Tresser N, Hogan RE, Martin E
- AD - Department of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University
School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
- SO - Muscle Nerve 1995 Oct;18(10):1208-9
- UI - 95388094
- TI - Post-polio syndrome spinal cord pathology. Case report with
- AU - Miller DC
- AD - Department of Pathology, New York University Medical
Center, New York 10016, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:186-93
- UI - 95336047
- TI - Is there treatment for postpolio syndrome? [letter]
- AU - Fraser DM
- SO - Can Fam Physician 1995 Jul;41:1158
- UI - 95375598
- TI - Recognizing postpolio syndrome [letter]
- AU - Walker JM
- SO - Can Fam Physician 1995 Jul;41:1155-7
- UI - 95375596
- TI - Findings in post-poliomyelitis syndrome. Weakness of
muscles of the calf as a source of late pain and fatigue of muscles of
the thigh after poliomyelitis.
- AU - Perry J, Fontaine JD, Mulroy S
- AD - Pathokinesiology Service, Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center,
Downey, California 90242, USA.
- SO - J Bone Joint Surg Am 1995 Aug;77(8):1148-53
- UI - 95370315
- TI - Perimalleolar tendon transfer to the os calcis for triceps
sura insufficiency in patients with postpolio syndrome.
- AU - DiCesare PE, Young S, Perry J, Baumgarten M
- AD - Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute, New
York, NY 10003, USA.
- SO - Clin Orthop 1995 Jan;(310):111-9
- UI - 95368882
- TI - Normal concentrations of serum insulin-like growth factor-1
in late polio.
- AU - Sunnerhagen KS, Bengtsson BA, Lundberg PA, Landin K,
Lindstedt G, Grimby G
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sahlgrenska
University Hospital, University of Goteborg, Sweden.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1995 Aug;76(8):732-5
- UI - 95358673
- TI - Management of post-polio respiratory sequelae.
- AU - Bach JR
- AD - Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
University f Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical
School, University Hospital, Newark 07103, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:96-102
- UI - 95336085
- TI - Progression of oral-motor and swallowing symptoms in the
post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Sonies BC, Dalakas MC
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:87-95
- UI - 95336084
- TI - Prospective cohort study of polio survivors in Olmsted
County, Minnesota.
- AU - Windebank AJ, Litchy WJ, Daube JR
- AD - Mayo Clinic, Department of Neurology, Rochester, Minnesota
5590, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:81-6
- UI - 95336083
- TI - The post-polio syndrome as an evolved clinical entity.
Definition and clinical description.
- AU - Dalakas MC
- AD - Medical Neurology Branch, National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:68-80
- UI - 95336082
- TI - Expression of poliovirus receptor in human spinal cord and
- AU - Leon-Monzon ME, Illa I, Dalakas MC
- AD - Medical Neurology Branch, National Institute of
Neurological Diseases and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:48-57
- UI - 95336080
- TI - Strength, voluntary drive, and endurance during isometric
contractions in prior polio subjects.
- AU - Gandevia SC, Allen GM, Neering IR, Middleton J, Jones R
- AD - Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, New South
Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:408-9
- UI - 95336079
- TI - Dysphagia in individuals with no history of bulbar polio.
- AU - Dowhaniuk M, Schentag CT
- AD - Post-Polio Clinic, West Park Hospital, Toronto, Canada.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:405-7
- UI - 95336078
- TI - Effect of strength training in patients with post-polio
syndrom. A preliminary report.
- AU - Spector SA, Gordon PL, Yildiz E, Sivakumar K, Hurley BF,
Dalakas MC
- AD - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
Nationl Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:402-4
- UI - 95336077
- TI - Study of fatigue in muscles of patients with post-polio
syndrom by in vivo [31P]magnetic resonance spectroscopy. A metabolic
cause for fatigue.
- AU - Sivakumar K, Sinnwell T, Yildiz E, McLaughlin A, Dalakas MC
- AD - National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-1382, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:397-401
- UI - 95336076
- TI - Reinnervation in clinically unaffected muscles of patients
with prior paralytic poliomyelitis. Correlation between
macroelectromyography and histology.
- AU - Luciano CA, Sivakumar K, Spector SA, Dalakas MC
- AD - Electromyography Section, National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:394-6
- UI - 95336075
- TI - Pathological analysis of spinal cords from survivors of
- AU - Kaminski HJ, Tresser N, Hogan RE, Martin E
- AD - Department of Neurology, Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical
Center, Ohio 44106, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:390-3
- UI - 95336074
- TI - Effect of human growth hormone on muscle function in
post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Shetty KR, Gupta KL, Agre JC, Rudman IW, Rudman D
- AD - Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee 53226, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:386-9
- UI - 95336073
- TI - Electrodiagnostic findings in 108 consecutive patients
referred to a post-polio clinic. The value of routine electrodiagnostic
- AU - Gawne AC, Pham BT, Halstead LS
- AD - Post-Polio Program, National Rehabilitation Hospital,
Washingto, DC 20010-2949, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:383-5
- UI - 95336072
- TI - Post-polio syndrome in twins and their siblings. Evidence
that post-polio syndrome can develop in patients with nonparalytic
- AU - Nee L, Dambrosia J, Bern E, Eldridge R, Dalakas MC
- AD - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
Nationl Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:378-80
- UI - 95336070
- TI - Antiganglioside antibodies in patients with acute polio and
post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Illa I, Leon-Monzon M, Agboatwalla M, Ilyas A, Latov N,
Dalakas MC
- AD - Neuromuscular Diseases Section, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda,
Maryland 20892-1382, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:374-7
- UI - 95336069
- TI - Role of poliovirus receptors in the spread of the infection.
- AU - Freistadt MS, Stoltz DA, Eberle KE
- AD - Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology,
Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans 70112, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:37-47
- UI - 95336067
- TI - Managing the late effects of polio from a life-course
- AU - Maynard FM
- AD - Case Western Reserve University, Department of Physical
Medicin and Rehabilitation, Cleveland, Ohio 44109-1998, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:354-60
- UI - 95336065
- TI - National rehabilitation hospital limb classification for
exercise, research, and clinical trials in post-polio patients.
- AU - Halstead LS, Gawne AC, Pham BT
- AD - Post-Polio Program, National Rehabilitation Hospital,
Washingto, DC 20010-2949, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:343-53
- UI - 95336064
- TI - The role of exercise in the patient with post-polio
- AU - Agre JC
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of
Wisconsin-Madison Medical School 53792, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:321-34
- UI - 95336062
- TI - How to design a therapeutic study in patients with the
post-polo syndrome. Methodological concerns and status of present
- AU - Dalakas MC
- AD - Medical Neurology Branch, National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-1382, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:314-20
- UI - 95336061
- TI - A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of high-dose
prednison for the treatment of post-poliomyelitis syndrome.
- AU - Dinsmore S, Dambrosia J, Dalakas MC
- AD - Medical Neurology Branch, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD
20892-1382, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:303-13
- UI - 95336060
- TI - A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of amantadine for
the treatment of fatigue in patients with the post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Stein DP, Dambrosia JM, Dalakas MC
- AD - Medical Neurology Branch, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD
20892-1382, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:296-302
- UI - 95336059
- TI - Anticholinesterases in post-poliomyelitis syndrome.
- AU - Trojan DA, Cashman NR
- AD - Department of Neurology, Montreal Neurological Institute
and Hospital, McGill University, Quebec, Canada.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:285-95
- UI - 95336058
- TI - Studies of growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-I in
polio survivors.
- AU - Shetty KR, Rao UP, Gupta KL, Rudman D
- AD - Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee 53295, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:276-84
- UI - 95336057
- TI - Pathophysiology of a central cause of post-polio fatigue.
- AU - Bruno RL, Sapolsky R, Zimmerman JR, Frick NM
- AD - Post-Polio Rehabilitation and Research Service, Kessler
Institue for Rehabilitation, Saddle Brook, New Jersey 07663, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:257-75
- UI - 95336056
- TI - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and polio: is there an
- AU - Okumura H, Kurland LT, Waring SC
- AD - Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota 55905, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:245-56
- UI - 95336055
- TI - Relevance of the post-polio syndrome to other motor neuron
diseases: relevance to viral (enteroviral) infections.
- AU - Bartfeld H, Donnenfeld H, Kascsak R
- AD - Post-Polio Syndrome Research Center, New York University
Medica Center, New York 10016, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:237-44
- UI - 95336054
- TI - Search for poliovirus in specimens from patients with the
post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Leparc I, Kopecka H, Fuchs F, Janatova I, Aymard M, Julien J
- AD - Laboratoire de Virologie, UER Grange Blanche, Lyon, France.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:233-6
- UI - 95336053
- TI - Evidence for persistent enterovirus infection of the
central nervous system in patients with previous paralytic poliomyeliti.
- AU - Muir P, Nicholson F, Sharief MK, Thompson EJ, Cairns NJ,
Lantos P, Spencer GT, Kaminski HJ, Banatvala JE
- AD - Department of Virology, UMDS St. Thomas' Hospital, London,
Unitd Kingdom.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:219-32
- UI - 95336052
- TI - Detection of poliovirus antibodies and poliovirus genome in
patients with the post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Leon-Monzon ME, Dalakas MC
- AD - Medical Neurology Branch, National Institute of
Neurological Diseases and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:208-18
- UI - 95336051
- TI - Antibody titer to the poliovirus in blood and cerebrospinal
flud of patients with post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Jubelt B, Salazar-Grueso EF, Roos RP, Cashman NR
- AD - Department of Neurology, State University of New York
Health Science Center, Syracuse 13210, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:201-7
- UI - 95336050
- TI - Post-polio syndrome spinal cord pathology. Case report with
- AU - Miller DC
- AD - Department of Pathology, New York University Medical
Center, Ne York 10016, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:186-93
- UI - 95336047
- TI - Pathogenetic mechanisms of post-polio syndrome:
morphological, electrophysiological, virological, and immunological
- AU - Dalakas MC
- AD - Medical Neurology Branch, National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-1382, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:167-85
- UI - 95336046
- TI - Rat model of the reinnervated motor unit. Relevance to the
post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Pachter BR, Eberstein A
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University
Medical Center, New York 10016, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:158-66
- UI - 95336045
- TI - Post-polio muscular atrophy. An electrophysiological study
of motor unit architecture.
- AU - Lange DJ
- AD - Department of Neurology, Columbia Presbyterian Medical
Center, New York, New York 10032, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:151-7
- UI - 95336044
- TI - Correlation of electrophysiology with pathology,
pathogenesis, and anticholinesterase therapy in post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Cashman NR, Trojan DA
- AD - Department of Neurology, Montreal Neurological Institute,
McGil University, Quebec, Canada.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:138-50
- UI - 95336043
- TI - Function and ultrastructure of the neuromuscular junction
in post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Maselli RA, Wollmann R, Roos R
- AD - Neurology Department, University of California, Davis
95616-860, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:129-37
- UI - 95336042
- TI - Post-polio syndrome 12 years later. How it all started.
- AU - Dalakas MC
- AD - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
Nationl Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-1382, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:11-8
- UI - 95336039
- TI - Neuropsychology of post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Grafman J, Clark K, Richardson D, Dinsmore S, Stein D,
Dalakas MC
- AD - Cognitive Neuroscience Section, National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:103-10
- UI - 95336038
- TI - The Post-Polio Syndrome: Advances in the Pathogenesis and
Treatment. Conference proceedings. Bethesda, Maryland, April 27-30,
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:1-412
- UI - 95336037
- TI - Opening remarks. On post-polio syndrome and in honor of Dr.
Albert B. Sabin.
- AU - Dalakas MC
- AD - Medical Neurology Branch, National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.
- SO - Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:xi-xiv
- UI - 95336035
- TI - Nocturnal assisted ventilation using bilevel positive
airway pressure: the effect of expiratory positive airway pressure.
- AU - Elliott MW, Simonds AK
- AD - Dept of Thoracic Medicine, Royal Brompton National Heart
and Lug Hospitals (Chelsea), London, UK.
- SO - Eur Respir J 1995 Mar;8(3):436-40
- UI - 95309377
- TI - Practical tips on postpolio syndrome.
- AU - Matheson MJ
- AD - South Side Medical Clinic, Regina.
- SO - Can Fam Physician 1995 Apr;41:669-72
- UI - 95307171
- TI - Postpolio syndrome. Unusual disease in rural family
- AU - Hatcher LB
- AD - Memorial University of Newfoundland.
- SO - Can Fam Physician 1995 Apr;41:637-40, 643-5
- UI - 95307168
- TI - Fibromyalgia is common in a postpoliomyelitis clinic.
- AU - Trojan DA, Cashman NR
- AD - Department of Neurology, Montreal Neurological Institute
and Hospital, McGill University, Quebec.
- SO - Arch Neurol 1995 Jun;52(6):620-4
- UI - 95283493
- TI - [Post-polio symptoms]
- AU - Jacob T, Donchin M, Levental A
- AD - Post-Polio Clinic, Assaf Harofeh Hospital, Zrifin.
- SO - Harefuah 1995 Apr 16;128(8):477-81, 527
- UI - 95270087
- TI - Multiple sclerosis presenting as late functional
deterioration after poliomyelitis.
- AU - Chroni E, Howard RS, Panayiotopoulos CP, Spencer GT
- AD - Lane-Fox Unit, Guy's Hospital Trust, London, UK.
- SO - Postgrad Med J 1995 Jan;71(831):52-4
- UI - 95223891
- TI - Macro EMG follow-up study in post-poliomyelitis patients.
- AU - Ivanyi B, Ongerboer de Visser BW, Nelemans PJ, de Visser M
- AD - Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Centre,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- SO - J Neurol 1994 Dec;242(1):37-40
- UI - 95205192
- TI - [Postpoliomyelitis syndrome (letter)]
- AU - Lehmann-Buri T
- SO - Dtsch Med Wochenschr 1995 Mar 17;120(11):385
- UI - 95196540
- TI - Pulmonary rehabilitation with respiratory complications of
postpolio syndrome.
- AU - Stice KA, Cunningham CA
- SO - Rehabil Nurs 1995 Jan-Feb;20(1):37-42
- UI - 95158689
- TI - Laryngeal function in postpolio patients.
- AU - Driscoll BP, Gracco C, Coelho C, Goldstein J,Oshima
K,Tierney E,Sasaki CT
- AD - Section of Otolaryngology, Yale School of Medicine, New
Haven, Conn.
- SO - Laryngoscope 1995 Jan;105(1):35-41
- UI - 95139738
- TI - The polio survivor as expert: implications for
rehabilitation nursing research.
- AU - Bell RW, Damrosch SP, Lenz ER
- SO - Rehabil Nurs 1994 Jul-Aug;19(4):198-202
- UI - 95132884
- TI - [Postpoliomyelitis syndrome and sleep apnea syndrome.
Successful therapy is available]
- AU - Ulfberg J, Ekeroth G
- SO - Lakartidningen 1995 Jan 4;92(1-2):49-51
- UI - 95131613
- TI - A study of symptom distress, health locus of control, and
coping resources of aging post-polio survivors.
- AU - Kuehn AF, Winters RK
- AD - Missouri University-Columbia 65211.
- SO - Image J Nurs Sch 1994 Winter;26(4):325-31
- UI - 95130131
- TI - Unilateral multilevel cervical radiculopathies as a late
effect of poliomyelitis. A case report.
- AU - Drapkin AJ, Rose WS
- AD - Department of Surgery, Monmouth Medical Center, Long
Branch, NJ.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1995 Jan;76(1):94-6
- UI - 95110236
- TI - Changes in muscle morphology, strength and enzymes in a
4-5-year follow-up of subjects with poliomyelitis sequelae.
- AU - Grimby G, Hedberg M, Henning GB
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of
- Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden.
- SO - Scand J Rehabil Med 1994 Sep;26(3):121-30
- UI - 95099259
- TI - [Post-polio syndrome with isolated dysphagia]
- AU - Schneider S, Ernst U, Duker J, Lucking CH
- AD - Neurologische Klinik, Universitat Freiburg.
- SO - Nervenarzt 1994 Aug;65(8):560-2
- UI - 95059641
- TI - Fatigue secondary to chronic illness: postpolio syndrome,
chronic fatigue syndrome, and multiple sclerosis.
- AU - Packer TL, Sauriol A, Brouwer B
- AD - Division of Occupational Therapy, School of Rehabilitation
- Therapy, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1994 Oct;75(10):1122-6
- UI - 95031620
- TI - A personality profile of patients diagnosed with post-polio
- AU - Clark K, Dinsmore S, Grafman J, Dalakas MC
- AD - Cognitive Neuroscience Section, National Institute of
- Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892.
- SO - Neurology 1994 Oct;44(10):1809-11
- UI - 95022189
- TI - Human growth hormone effect on serum IGF-I and muscle
function in poliomyelitis survivors.
- AU - Gupta KL, Shetty KR, Agre JC, Cuisinier MC, Rudman IW,
Rudman D
- AD - Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin,
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1994 Aug;75(8):889-94
- UI - 94330835
- TI - Poliovirus-specific immunoglobulin M antibodies during
diagnosis of acute poliomyelitis or postpoliovirus syndrome or
monitoring of vaccine responsiveness [letter]
- AU - Arya SC
- SO - J Clin Microbiol 1994 May;32(5):1414-5
- UI - 94327795
- TI - French survey of postpolio sequelae. Risk factors study and
medical social outcome.
- AU - Diard C, Ravaud JF, Held JP
- AD - Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale,
- Unite 215, Hopital Raymond Poincare, Garches, France.
- SO - Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1994 Jul-Aug;73(4):264-7
- UI - 94318231
- TI - Polio--then and now--the sequelae [letter]
- AU - Larsen L
- SO - Nurse Pract 1994 Apr;19(4):22, 24, 27
- UI - 94309841
- TI - Viewing polio survivors through violet-tinted glasses.
- AU - Smith DW
- SO - NLN Publ 1994 Apr;(15-2610):141-5
- UI - 94301741
- TI - Predictive factors for post-poliomyelitis syndrome.
- AU - Trojan DA, Cashman NR, Shapiro S, Tansey CM, Esdaile JM
- AD - Department of Neurology, Montreal Neurological Institute,
- Canada.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1994 Jul;75(7):770-7
- UI - 94296240
- TI - Twenty-one patients with strictly defined postpoliomyelitis
syndrome: no poliovirus-specific IgM antibodies in the cerebrospinal
fluid [letter]
- AU - Roivainen M, Kinnunen E, Hovi T
- SO - Ann Neurol 1994 Jul;36(1):115-6
- UI - 94296057
- TI - Comparative study of spinal cord ubiquitin expression in
post-poliomyelitis and sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- AU - Ito H, Hirano A
- AD - Department of Pathology, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx,
- SO - Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 1994;87(4):425-9
- UI - 94287790
- TI - Postpolio dysphagia [editorial; comment]
- AU - Buchholz DW
- SO - Dysphagia 1994 Spring;9(2):99-100
- UI - 94273558
- TI - Dysphagia in postpolio patients: a videofluorographic
follow-up study.
- AU - Ivanyi B, Phoa SS, de Visser M
- SO - Dysphagia 1994 Spring;9(2):96-8
- UI - 94273557
- TI - The neuroanatomy of post-polio fatigue.
- AU - Bruno RL, Cohen JM, Galski T, Frick NM
- AD - Post-Polio Rehabilitation and Research Service, Kessler
- for Rehabilitation, Saddlebrook, NJ 07662.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1994 May;75(5):498-504
- UI - 94241839
- TI - Post-polio syndrome: remembrance of viruses past [news]
- AU - Stone R
- SO - Science 1994 May 13;264(5161):909
- UI - 94233374
- TI - Muscle strengthening in post-polio [letter]
- AU - Potter PJ, Jones IC, Dittmer DK
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1994 Apr;75(4):490
- UI - 94226509
- TI - Disability in poliomyelitis sequelae.
- AU - Grimby G, Jonsson AL
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of
- Sweden.
- SO - Phys Ther 1994 May;74(5):415-24
- UI - 94224957
- TI - Excessive muscular fatigue in the postpoliomyelitis
- AU - Sharma KR, Kent-Braun J, Mynhier MA, Weiner MW, Miller RG
- AD - Department of Neurology, California Pacific Medical Center,
- University of California, San Francisco 94118.
- SO - Neurology 1994 Apr;44(4):642-6
- UI - 94217889
- TI - [Enhanced regeneration of terminal axons after hyperbaric
oxygen therapy in a patient resembling progressive postpoliomyelitis
muscular atrophy]
- AU - Nakajima M, Kuwabara S, Uchino F, Hirayama K
- AD - Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Chiba
- SO - Rinsho Shinkeigaku 1994 Jan;34(1):48-51
- UI - 94208183
- TI - Postpolio survivors: needs for and access to social and
health care services.
- AU - Foster LW, Berkman B, Wellen M, Schuster N
- SO - Health Soc Work 1993 May;18(2):139-48
- UI - 94116873
- TI - Post-polio syndrome: an update.
- AU - Jubelt B, Drucker J
- AD - Department of Neurology, SUNY Health Science Center,
- SO - Semin Neurol 1993 Sep;13(3):283-90
- UI - 94097973
- TI - Spinal stenosis presenting as the postpolio syndrome.
Review of four cases.
- AU - LaBan MM, Sanitate SS, Taylor RS
- AD - William Beaumont Hospital, Department of Physical Medicine
- Rehabilitation, Royal Oak, MI 48073.
- SO - Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1993 Dec;72(6):390-4
- UI - 94082985
- TI - Muscle strengthening in a post-polio subject through a
high-resistance weight-training program.
- AU - Milner-Brown HS
- AD - Department of Kinesiology, University of Colorado, Boulder
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1993 Nov;74(11):1165-7
- UI - 94058613
- TI - Poliovirus persistence in the postpolio syndrome [letter]
- AU - Sharief MK
- SO - Ann Neurol 1993 Sep;34(3):415-7
- UI - 93371021
- TI - Reliability of Cybex II isokinetic evaluations of torque in
post-poliomyelitis syndrome.
- AU - Kilfoil MR, St Pierre DM
- AD - School of Physical & Occupational Therapy, McGill
- Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1993 Jul;74(7):730-5
- UI - 93319420
- TI - Prevalence of low plasma IGF-I in poliomyelitis survivors.
- AU - Rao U, Shetty KR, Mattson DE, Rudman IW, Rudman D
- AD - Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin,
- Affairs Medical Center, Milwaukee.
- SO - J Am Geriatr Soc 1993 Jul;41(7):697-702
- UI - 93301326
- TI - Methods and prognosis of non-invasive ventilation in
neuromuscular disease.
- AU - Edwards PR, Howard P
- AD - Dept of Medicine, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK.
- SO - Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 1993;48(2):176-82
- UI - 93299447
- TI - Geriatric rehabilitation. 3. Mid- and late-life effects of
early-life disabilities.
- AU - Currie DM, Gershkoff AM, Cifu DX
- AD - University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1993 May;74(5-S):S413-6
- UI - 93256734
- TI - Poliomyelitis and the post-polio syndrome: exercise
capacities and adaptation--current research, future directions, and
widespread applicability.
- AU - Birk TJ
- AD - H.L. Morse Physical Health Research Center, Department of
- Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo 43614.
- SO - Med Sci Sports Exerc 1993 Apr;25(4):466-72
- UI - 93240997
- TI - A new nasal mask for nocturnal home ventilation in chronic
neuromuscular disorders.
- AU - Klefbeck B, Remmer L, Weinberg J, Borg J
- AD - Department of Neurology, Sodersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden.
- SO - Scand J Rehabil Med 1993 Mar;25(1):7-9
- UI - 93219789
- TI - Anticholinesterase-responsive neuromuscular junction
transmission defects in post-poliomyelitis fatigue.
- AU - Trojan DA, Gendron D, Cashman NR
- AD - Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University,
- Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Quebec, Canada.
- SO - J Neurol Sci 1993 Feb;114(2):170-7
- UI - 93187650
- TI - Airway secretion clearance by mechanical exsufflation for
post-poliomyelitis ventilator-assisted individuals.
- AU - Bach JR, Smith WH, Michaels J, Saporito L, Alba AS, Dayal
R, Pan J
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University Hospital,
- Newark, NJ 07103.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1993 Feb;74(2):170-7
- UI - 93159309
- TI - The relationship of lower extremity strength and gait
parameters in patients with post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Perry J, Mulroy SJ, Renwick SE
- AD - Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center, Pathokinesiology Service,
- Downey, CA 90242.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1993 Feb;74(2):165-9
- UI - 93159308
- TI - The postpolio syndrome: no evidence for poliovirus
- AU - Melchers W, de Visser M, Jongen P, van Loon A, Nibbeling R,
- AU - Oostvogel P, Willemse D, Galama J
- AD - Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Nijmegen,
- Netherlands.
- SO - Ann Neurol 1992 Dec;32(6):728-32
- UI - 93111696
- TI - Poliomyelitis and the postpolio syndrome.
- AU - Pascuzzi RM
- AD - Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis.
- SO - Semin Neurol 1992 Sep;12(3):193-9
- UI - 93087900
- TI - Osteoarthritis of the hand and wrist in the post
poliomyelitis population.
- AU - Werner RA, Waring W, Maynard F
- AD - Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
University of
- Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor 48109-0042.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1992 Nov;73(11):1069-72
- UI - 93074344
- TI - Epidemiology of the post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Ramlow J, Alexander M, LaPorte R, Kaufmann C, Kuller L
- AD - Department of Biostatistics, Graduate School of Public
- University of Pittsburgh, PA.
- SO - Am J Epidemiol 1992 Oct 1;136(7):769-86
- UI - 93071895
- TI - Elevated creatine kinase level in postpolio syndrome.
- AU - Dalakas MC
- AD - National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.
- SO - JAMA 1992 Dec 9;268(22):3248
- UI - 93060005
- TI - Torque-velocity relation and muscle fibre characteristics
of foot dorsiflexors after long-term overuse of residual muscle fibres
due to prior polio or L5 root lesion.
- AU - Tollback A, Knutsson E, Borg J, Borg K, Jakobsson F
- AD - Department of Neurology, Soder Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.
- SO - Scand J Rehabil Med 1992 Sep;24(3):151-6
- UI - 93030533
- TI - Neuromuscular transmission as a function of motor unit size
in patients with prior poliomyelitis.
- AU - Maselli RA, Cashman NR, Wollman RL, Salazar-Grueso EF, Roos
- AD - Department of Neurology, University of Chicago, Illinois
- SO - Muscle Nerve 1992 Jun;15(6):648-55
- UI - 92375136
- TI - Single motor unit H-reflex in motor neuron disorders.
- AU - Soliven B, Maselli RA
- AD - Department of Neurology, University of Chicago, Illinois
- SO - Muscle Nerve 1992 Jun;15(6):656-60
- UI - 92375135
- TI - Respiratory function during wakefulness and sleep among
survivors of respiratory and non-respiratory poliomyelitis.
- AU - Dolmage TE, Avendano MA, Goldstein RS
- AD - Dept of Medicine, University of Toronto, West Park Hospital,
- Canada.
- SO - Eur Respir J 1992 Jul;5(7):864-70
- UI - 92362855
- TI - Post-polio syndrome. An emerging threat to polio survivors.
- AU - Aston JW Jr
- SO - Postgrad Med 1992 Jul;92(1):249-56, 260
- UI - 92311083
- TI - Post-polio lung function.
- AU - Blomstrand A, Bake B
- AD - Department of General Practice, University of Goteborg,
- Sahlgren's Hospital, Sweden.
- SO - Scand J Rehabil Med 1992;24(1):43-9
- UI - 92294806
- TI - Correlation of creatine kinase and gait measurement in the
postpolio population: a corrected version.
- AU - Waring WP, McLaurin TM
- AD - Department of Physical Medical and Rehabilitation,
University of
- Michigan, Ann Arbor.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1992 May;73(5):447-50
- UI - 92255516
- TI - Muscle adaptation and disability in late poliomyelitis.
- AU - Einarsson G
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Gothenburg
- Sweden.
- SO - Scand J Rehabil Med Suppl 1991;25:1-76
- UI - 92151033
- TI - A rat model of the post-polio motor unit.
- AU - Pachter BR, Eberstein A
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University
- Medical Center, NY 10016.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Dec;14(12):1367-73
- UI - 92150289
- TI - Electrophysiology and electrodiagnosis of the post-polio
motor unit.
- AU - Trojan DA, Gendron D, Cashman NR
- AD - Department of Neurology, Montreal Neurological Institute and
- Hospital, Quebec, Canada.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Dec;14(12):1353-61
- UI - 92150288
- TI - Neuromuscular function in polio survivors.
- AU - Agre JC, Rodriquez AA
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of
- Wisconsin-Madison Medical School 53792.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Dec;14(12):1343-7
- UI - 92150287
- TI - Pulmonary dysfunction and sleep disordered breathing as
post-polio sequelae: evaluation and management.
- AU - Bach JR, Alba AS
- AD - New Jersey Medical School, University of Medicine and
- of New Jersey, Newark.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Dec;14(12):1329-37
- UI - 92150286
- TI - Post-polio dysphagia: alarm or caution? [editorial]
- AU - Buchholz DW, Jones B
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Dec;14(12):1303-5
- UI - 92150283
- TI - Immune responses in the post-polio syndrome [letter;
- AU - Salazar-Grueso EF, Roos RP, Jubelt B, Cashman NR
- CM - Comment on: N Engl J Med 1991 Sep 12;325(11):749-55
- SO - N Engl J Med 1992 Feb 27;326(9):641; discussion 642
- UI - 92131088
- TI - Immune responses in the post-polio syndrome [letter;
- AU - Dawson RB
- CM - Comment on: N Engl J Med 1991 Sep 12;325(11):749-55
- SO - N Engl J Med 1992 Feb 27;326(9):641; discussion 642
- UI - 92131087
- TI - Immune responses in the post-polio syndrome [letter;
- AU - Rosenberg LT, Hamparian VV
- CM - Comment on: N Engl J Med 1991 Sep 12;325(11):749-55
- SO - N Engl J Med 1992 Feb 27;326(9):640-1; discussion 642
- UI - 92131086
- TI - Cardiorespiratory responses to upper extremity aerobic
training by postpolio subjects
- AU - Kriz JL, Jones DR, Speier JL, Canine JK, Owen RR, Serfass RC
- AD - Sister Kenny Institute, Minneapolis, MN 55407.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1992 Jan;73(1):49-54
- UI - 92109545
- TI - Correlation of creatine kinase and gait measurement in the
,postpolio population.
- AU - Waring WP, McLaurin TM
- AD - Department of Physical Medical and Rehabilitation,
University of
- Michigan, Ann Arbor.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1992 Jan;73(1):37-9
- UI - 92109541
- TI - Swallowing dysfunction in the postpolio syndrome: a
cinefluorographic study.
- AU - Jones B, Buchholz DW, Ravich WJ, Donner MW
- AD - Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
- Science, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD 21205.
- SO - AJR Am J Roentgenol 1992 Feb;158(2):283-6
- UI - 92109033
- TI - Postpolio syndrome may not be progressive [news]
- AU - Marwick C
- SO - JAMA 1992 Jan 22-29;267(4):479
- UI - 92106448
- TI - Improvement in exercise capacity after nocturnal positive
pressure ventilation and tracheostomy in a postpoliomyelitis patient.
- AU - Vaz Fragoso CA, Kacmarek RM, Systrom DM
- AD - Medical Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.
- SO - Chest 1992 Jan;101(1):254-7
- UI - 92103975
- TI - Polioencephalitis, stress, and the etiology of post-polio
- AU - Bruno RL, Frick NM, Cohen J
- AD - Post-Polio Rehabilitation and Research Service, Kessler
- for Rehabilitation, East Orange, NJ 07018.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1269-76
- UI - 92100602
- TI - Post-polio fatigue: a 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- AU - Thompson RT, Barton PM, Marsh GD, Cameron MG, Gravelle DG,
- AU - Hsieh JT, Hayes KC, Driedger AA
- AD - Department of Nuclear Medicine, St. Joseph's Health Center,
- London, Ontario, Canada.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1263-7
- UI - 92100601
- TI - The effects of long-term non-fatiguing resistance exercise
in subjects with post-polio syndrome.
- AU - Fillyaw MJ, Badger GJ, Goodwin GD, Bradley WG, Fries TJ,
Shukla A
- AD - Department of Physical Therapy, University of Vermont,
- Burlington.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1253-6
- UI - 92100600
- TI - Effect of modified aerobic training on movement energetics
in polio survivors.
- AU - Dean E, Ross J
- AD - School of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of British
- Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1243-6
- UI - 92100599
- TI - Energy conservation, occupational therapy, and the
treatment of post-polio sequelae.
- AU - Young GR
- AD - Department of Occupational Therapy, Kaiser-Permanente
- Center, Downey, Calif. 90242.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1233-9
- UI - 92100598
- TI - Activity and post-polio fatigue.
- AU - Packer TL, Martins I, Krefting L, Brouwer B
- AD - Division of Occupational Therapy, School of Rehabilitation
- Therapy, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1223-6
- UI - 92100597
- TI - Assessment and differential diagnosis for post-polio
- AU - Halstead LS
- AD - Post-Polio Program, National Rehabilitation Hospital,
- DC 20010.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1209-17
- UI - 92100596
- TI - Effect of treatment and noncompliance on post-polio
- AU - Peach PE, Olejnik S
- AD - Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation, Georgia
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1199-203
- UI - 92100595
- TI - The psychology of polio as prelude to post-polio sequelae:
behavior modification and psychotherapy.
- AU - Bruno RL, Frick NM
- AD - Post-Polio Rehabilitation and Research Service, Kessler
- for Rehabilitation, East Orange, NJ.
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1185-93
- UI - 92100594
- TI - The cultural context of polio biographies.
- AU - Scheer J, Luborsky ML
- AD - National Rehabilitation Hospital Research Center,
Washington, DC
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1173-81
- UI - 92100593
- TI - Post-polio sequelae: research and treatment in the second
decade [editorial]
- AU - Bruno RL
- SO - Orthopedics 1991 Nov;14(11):1169-70
- UI - 92100592
- TI - Stop, look, and listen when your patients 'complain'
- AU - Northup GW
- SO - J Am Osteopath Assoc 1991 Sep;91(9):857-8
- UI - 92098352
- TI - Incidence and nature of dysphagia in polio survivors.
- AU - Coelho CA, Ferranti R
- AD - Department of Communication Disorders, Gaylord Hospital,
- Wallingford, CT 06492.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Dec;72(13):1071-5
- UI - 92074861
- TI - Hypnosis for postpolio syndrome & Type-A behavior.
- AU - Hammond DC
- AD - University of Utah School of Medicine.
- SO - Am J Clin Hypn 1991 Jul;34(1):38-45
- UI - 92058777
- TI - Clinical decision making in the management of the late
sequelae of poliomyelitis.
- AU - Dean E
- AD - School of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of British
- Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- SO - Phys Ther 1991 Oct;71(10):752-61
- UI - 92052525
- TI - Late effects of polio: critical review of the literature on
neuromuscular function.
- AU - Agre JC, Rodriquez AA, Tafel JA
- AD - University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Oct;72(11):923-31
- UI - 92028334
- TI - Postpoliomyelitis muscle weakness: a prospective study of
quadriceps strength.
- AU - Munin MC, Jaweed MM, Staas WE Jr, Satinsky AR, Gutierez G,
Herbison GJ
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Jefferson Medical
- Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Sep;72(10):729-33
- UI - 92028316
- TI - The late effects of polio.
- SO - Med J Aust 1991 Sep 16;155(6):393-4
- UI - 92017324
- TI - Post polio syndrome: what can we do?
- AU - Jones RF
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Prince
Henry/Prince of
- Wales Hospitals, University of New South Wales.
- SO - Med J Aust 1991 Sep 16;155(6):360-1
- UI - 92017316
- TI - Dysphagia in the post-polio syndrome [letter; comment]
- CM - Comment on: N Engl J Med 1991 Apr 25;324(17):1162-7
- CM - Comment on: N Engl J Med 1991 Apr 25;324(17):1206-7
- SO - N Engl J Med 1991 Oct 10;325(15):1107-9
- UI - 91367224
- TI - Motor unit firing rates in postpolio and control subjects
during submaximal contraction.
- AU - Rodriquez AA, Agre JC, Black PO, Franke TM
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of
- Wisconsin-Madison Medical School.
- SO - Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Aug;70(4):191-4
- UI - 91345796
- TI - Intrathecal immune response in patients with the post-polio
syndrome [see comments]
- AU - Sharief MK, Hentges R, Ciardi M
- CM - Comment in: N Engl J Med 1992 Feb 27;326(9):640-1;
discussion 642
- CM - Comment in: N Engl J Med 1992 Feb 27;326(9):641; discussion
- AD - Department of Clinical Neurochemistry, National Hospital for
- Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, United Kingdom.
- SO - N Engl J Med 1991 Sep 12;325(11):749-55
- UI - 91333693
- TI - Postpolio syndrome and cardiopulmonary conditioning.
- AU - Owen RR
- AD - Sister Kenny Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407.
- SO - West J Med 1991 May;154(5):557-8
- UI - 91327657
- TI - Pulmonary function in individuals with a history of
- AU - Dean E, Ross J, Road JD, Courtenay L, Madill KJ
- AD - School of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of British
- Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- SO - Chest 1991 Jul;100(1):118-23
- UI - 91284649
- TI - Neuromuscular function in polio survivors [letter; comment]
- AU - LaBan MM
- CM - Comment on: Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Jan;72(1):7-10
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Jul;72(8):604
- UI - 91282654
- TI - Neurologically normal patients with suspected
postpoliomyelitis syndrome: electromyographic assessment of past
- AU - Bromberg MB, Waring WP
- AD - Department of Neurology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Jun;72(7):493-7
- UI - 91282631
- TI - Postpolio syndrome.
- AU - Winters R
- SO - J Am Acad Nurse Pract 1991 Apr-Jun;3(2):69-74
- UI - 91234474
- TI - Postpolio syndrome.
- AU - Dalakas M
- AD - National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
- SO - Curr Opin Rheumatol 1990 Dec;2(6):901-7
- UI - 91190598
- TI - Poliomyelitis--new problems with an old disease [editorial;
comment] [see comments]
- AU - Munsat TL
- CM - Comment on: N Engl J Med 1991 Apr 25;324(17):1162-7
- CM - Comment in: N Engl J Med 1991 Oct 10;325(15):1107-9
- SO - N Engl J Med 1991 Apr 25;324(17):1206-7
- UI - 91187079
- TI - Dysphagia in patients with the post-polio syndrome [see
- AU - Sonies BC, Dalakas MC
- CM - Comment in: N Engl J Med 1991 Apr 25;324(17):1206-7
- CM - Comment in: N Engl J Med 1991 Oct 10;325(15):1107-9
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Warren G. Magnuson
- Clinical Center, Bethesda, Md.
- SO - N Engl J Med 1991 Apr 25;324(17):1162-7
- UI - 91187073
- TI - Physiologic parameters and perceived exertion with local
muscle fatigue in postpolio subjects.
- AU - Rodriquez AA, Agre JC
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of
- Medical School, University of Wisconsin-Madison 53702.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Apr;72(5):305-8
- UI - 91181971
- TI - Disintegration of the motor unit in post-polio syndrome.
Part II. Electrophysiological findings in patients with post-polio
- AU - Emeryk B, Rowinska-Marcinska K, Ryniewicz B,
Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I
- AD - Department of Neurology, Medical School, Polish Academy of
- Sciences, Warsaw.
- SO - Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 1990 Dec;30(8):451-8
- UI - 91138568
- TI - Hyposomatomedinemia in men with post-poliomyelitis syndrome.
- AU - Shetty KR, Mattson DE, Rudman IW, Rudman D
- AD - Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin,
- SO - J Am Geriatr Soc 1991 Feb;39(2):185-91
- UI - 91123640
- TI - Fatigue in postpolio syndrome.
- AU - Berlly MH, Strauser WW, Hall KM
- AD - Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Department of PM&R,
San Jose,
- CA 95128.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Feb;72(2):115-8
- UI - 91119519
- TI - New dimensions to poliomyelitis.
- AU - Sehgal H
- SO - Indian Pediatr 1990 May;27(5):433-6
- UI - 91115378
- TI - Muscle conditioning in late poliomyelitis.
- AU - Einarsson G
- AD - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Gothenburg
- Sweden.
- SO - Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Jan;72(1):11-4
- UI - 91090583
- TI - Disintegration of the motor unit in post-polio syndrome.
Part I. Electrophysiological findings in patients after poliomyelitis.
- AU - Ryniewicz B, Rowinska-Marcinska K, Emeryk B,
Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I
- AD - Department of Neurology, Medical School, Centre for
- and Clinical Medicine, Warsaw, Poland.
- SO - Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 1990 Nov;30(7):423-7
- UI - 91085409
- TI - Oligoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid of
post-poliomyelitis muscular atrophy [letter; comment]
- AU - Dalakas M
- CM - Comment on: Ann Neurol 1989 Dec;26(6):709-13
- SO - Ann Neurol 1990 Aug;28(2):196-7
- UI - 91024082
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