As far as the list itself is concerned the abbreviations are:
TI - Title of article.
AU - Author(s) of article.
RF - Indicates a Review Article that
contains many other References.
AD - Address of author(s) or where research
was done.
URLS- Links to online versions of the articles.
SO - Journal where published.
UI or PMID - The Medline or PubMed number of the article
(linked back to PubMed abstract)
The articles themselves are not on this site. They are available in the specific journals listed in the SO entry line, and should be available in most medical libraries. Full text for some of the articles is available by following the URL links, or via additional links available with the abstract at PubMed. Most of the articles are also available by mail through the Loansome Doc facility. I have no affiliation with any of these entities.
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